
Vomiting multiple times after surfing at Moonstone beach

21:35 Dec 11 2022 Moonstone Beach, westhaven-moonstone CA 95570

Paddled out Camels Rock in 15 foot waves. Water was brown after excessively heavy rains the last two days. Definitely drank a lot of seawater accidentally on the paddle out. Was sitting out there about 45 minutes when I began to feel nauseous. Began heading in. On my walk back to the car vomited on side of road. Vomiting again on the highway. Vomiting again at home. The Eel river at moonstone beach was dark brown, darker than I’ve ever seen it. Suspect lots of agricultural run off.
Additional Data
What were your symptoms? Check all that apply:: Vomiting
Did you see a doctor?: No
How long after you were in the water did your illness symptoms start?: Immediately
How many times have you been sick from the water at this beach?: More than three
How long did your illness last?: Currently sick
Will you allow Surfrider Foundation to contact you? If yes, please provide info below. This will not be shared publicly.: Yes
Did you observe a distinct source of pollution or algal bloom? Please describe.: Dark brown water in Eel river
Which state (if US) or country (if non-US) were you visiting?: CA

Credibility: UP DOWN 0
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