
Fever an hr after leaving beach

03:22 Nov 26 2022 Brighton LeSands Beach NSW

Brighton LeSands in NSW. Walked in water from the main promenade up to Dolls point and back. There where thousands of these weird long sand tube things in the water, but it also stunk a bit which I assumed was from a storm drain. Hr after leaving I got a fever and as soon as I got home I was nauseous with hot sweats. I didn’t tan or butn so not sunstroke.
Additional Data
What were your symptoms? Check all that apply:: Vomiting,Cramps/Stomach Pain,Fever
Did you see a doctor?: No
How long after you were in the water did your illness symptoms start?: Within the day
How many times have you been sick from the water at this beach?: One
How long did your illness last?: Currently sick
Will you allow Surfrider Foundation to contact you? If yes, please provide info below. This will not be shared publicly.: Yes
Did you observe a distinct source of pollution or algal bloom? Please describe.: Lots of seaweed and trash washing up. Water was quite brown in some spots. Weird long tube like sands things in the water.
Which state (if US) or country (if non-US) were you visiting?: Australia

Credibility: UP DOWN 0
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